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OCBC Bylaws


Article 1. Name:
The name of this organization shall be Oglethorpe County Bee Club (OCBC)
Article 2. Objectives:
Oglethorpe County Bee Club is a nonprofit organization.
OCBC's objectives are to:
-Serve as a resource to local beekeepers through workshops and discussions.
-Educate the community about the joys, skills and fruits of beekeeping.
-Encourage development of future beekeepers.
-Foster interactions with the agricultural community and other beekeeping organizations.
Article 3. Membership, Members, Dues
Membership. Any person interested in bees and beekeeping and who is 12 years of age or older is eligible to join the Club upon payment of the dues.
Members. A membership can be an individual or can include the immediate family. Each paid membership will have one vote. The right to vote shall be limited to current members.
Dues. Annual dues, payable to Oglethorpe County Bee Club, will be collected in January by the Treasurer and will apply for the calendar year. The cost will be determined by the board. Any member who fails to pay his/her dues when they expire forfeits the right to vote. Member status will be restored upon payment of dues.
Article 4. Governance
Board of Directors. The Board of Directors (BOD) shall be members of the club and include as Officers: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian. In addition, there will be two At-large Members. The newly elected Board members shall serve a 1 year term and are eligible for re-election.
Nominations for the BOD will be taken in September, with a full slate of accepted nominees presented at the October meeting with voting to occur at the November meeting.  Nominees for the BOD must be current club members and shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the Club members present at the Annual Business meeting in November, their proxies, or via a secure, online voting mechanism sent to paid members. No person shall be elected to the BOD without his/her consent.
If a vacancy occurs during the year, the BOD will seek an immediate replacement, with the approval of the replacement requiring a majority vote by the Club members in attendance at the next available club meeting.
Article 5. Duties of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors shall:
-Advise and make recommendations to the Club members with respect to the conduct of the activities and objectives of the Club. The Board
can act, with a majority vote, upon matters of immediate concern without a vote of club members but are obligated to present their actions at
the next Club meeting.
-Manage the business and affairs of the Club and ensure that the use of its services by its members are consistent with these Bylaws.
-Have the authority to request permanent dismissal of any member that causes discord in the club. Discord is defined as anything that is
harmful to the successful operation of the Club and includes such things as hateful speech/emails towards others, disparaging comments on
social media, undermining of Club’s activities, failure to perform duties as assigned, or stealing or abuse of Club’s monies and equipment. The
BOD decides the removal of said person by a majority vote of Board members only. 

No Board member shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary or compensation for services rendered to this Club.
A simple majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.
Club members may overrule the decisions of the Board by a majority vote of the Club members present at a normally scheduled meeting.
Article 6. Duties of the Officers and At-Large Members
President shall:
-Preside over all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors
-Prepare agendas for the BOD and Club meetings
-Provide speakers for the monthly meetings
-Provide other services, as directed by the board
Vice-President shall:
-Perform all duties of the office of President in President’s absence, or because of his/her disability or inability to serve
-Be the point of contact for outreach programs

-Complete and submit applications for special events, fairs, shows
-Maintain a list of all fixed assets used for outreach programs
Educational supplies used in outreach are the property of OCBC.
Secretary shall:
-Keep notes of Club activities, and present notes at each meeting.
-Keep the BOD in compliance with the Club Bylaws.
-Communicate with the treasurer to ascertain a current membership list is maintained for communications.
-Communicate with the webmaster to maintain current information about meetings and events.
-Notify members and other relevant organizations about meetings and special events.

Treasurer shall:
-Be custodian of all monies received by the Club and keep full and accurate records showing the receipts and disbursements of the same.
-Be responsible for timely payment of any bills.
-Keep record of and collect members' annual Dues.
-At regular Club meetings, make a monthly report on the membership and financial standing of the Club.
-Make an Annual Financial Report at the end of the accounting period of December 31 of each year and present it to the board.
-Maintain a master list of fixed assets, to include equipment, outreach programs and library items.
All records and books are the property of OCBC.
Librarian shall:
-Be responsible for the storing of books and bringing them to each meeting.
-Maintain records of books checked out and returned.
-Notify borrowers when books are overdue.
All books and other loaned materials are the property of OCBC.
At-large Members shall:
-Directly represent the Club membership in all matters before the BOD.
-Have the same governance and oversight duties, as well as voting rights, as the officers.
-Provide other services as directed by the board.
Article 7. Meetings
-Club meetings shall be held at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of every month.  Meetings may be conducted through electronic media when
conditions are not appropriate to hold meetings in person.
-The meetings will be conducted as designed by the President with the approval of the other BOD members.
-The Annual Business meeting shall be the Club meeting in November in conjunction with the election of the new BOD.
-The BOD will hold officer meetings as needed and may use email or other electronic means as official meeting occurrences.
Article 8. Amendments
Amendments to the Bylaws shall be provided to the membership at least ten working days prior to the next scheduled Club meeting as a "discussion" item. Voting will occur at the next monthly meeting.   Amendments to the Bylaws shall require an affirmative vote by a two-thirds majority of eligible members present and voting, their proxies, or by a secure, online voting system sent to paid members.
Article 9. Insurance
OCBC will not carry any type of insurance for the Club or any of its members.

Article 10. Acceptance of Bylaws
Creation, and adopted changes and amendments to these Bylaws shall be recorded and dated.
Approved by the membership September 16, 2024.

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